Where your wallet comes to die!

DM Cost: £150 | Each Session Following: See below | Unblock Cost: £450

Prices are not up for debate, doing so will result in your fee being higher then expected, or getting blocked.

Safeword: Melon Soup


Then for each following session any of the following can be included and will be the rate of the most expensive service offered.

About Me

I am a very self confident femdomme and findomme. I have a long running history of being a domme and a long running history of meeting the needs of non-normative people. With services to cater to all genders, sexualities (yes even asexual's and apsec's), Nuerotypicals and nuerodivergants alike there's something for everyone.

Current services

Contact from me

I understand some subs wish for different levels of communication from me so to cater to this I offer contact times you can pick from. (subject to my availability)

Safeword Abuse terms

The safe word is here for if you need to stop right away or be checked in on to make sure you are okay, do not use it to get out of paying this counts as abuse of the safe word, additionally using it regularly will count also count as abuse of the safeword.

If you abuse the safe word you will be blocked!

I have some spaces where you can reach me and meet other subs and pay pigs. However there are ground rules, if you are found to break these you will be blocked and others will be encouraged to do the same too until you pay the unblock fee listed above.

  1. Treat each other with respect
  2. Do not beg me or other subs for money, content or dynamics
  3. Do not promote your services here
  4. Do not abuse the safeword
  5. No unsolicited pictures
  6. Do not spam

Links [Verify links here]

Crypto Currency: [verify addresses here]


XMR address qr code


BCH address qr code


send blow giftcards to:

Goddess Peach
Email: giftcards [AT] goddess-peach [DOT] 8shield [DOT] net

Wishlist and Fiat:

Verifying links how to

Download GPG for your operating system this will be wingpg for windows and gpg or gpg2 on other Unix operating systems.

Run gpg --full-gen-key then follow the prompts as required.

Download my public GPG key and any file you wish to check the signature of. For this example i will use my ASCII art the unsigned version can be found here but this works for any signed file the same.

Next, run gpg2 --import 880eef697c10b3c03ff07383f1ec54fec29f2abc.asc and when asked select full trust.

Next run gpg2 --check-signature ascii-art.txt.asc, it should return valid signature from Goddess Peach Of course substitue ascii-art.txt.asc for whatever file you are working with.

Now you've verified it you have cryptographic proof that the file is from me and hasn't been tampered with.

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